Friday, January 23, 2009

On the Importance of Smart Grid Technology (SGT)

Our current electrical grid is in dire need of an overhaul and according to the U.S Department of Energy’s, DOE Smart Grid Book, “it is the largest interconnected machine on Earth” (p.9), which is why SGT is of such importance. Revamping the existing system with technological advances like solar photovoltaic cells would ensure that further expenses aren’t incurred in the transmission of energy over great distances, which is but one example of many.

South Korea has recently announced that it will invest $38.1 billion dollars in green technology over the next four years. In the International Energy Outlook for 2008, it is stated that, “Government policies and incentives to increase the use of renewable energy sources for electricity generation are expected to encourage the development of renewable energy even when it cannot compete economically with fossil fuels” (p. 4). Thus, despite the economic viability of choosing nonrenewable fossil fuels, there is a clear advantage of investing capital into the research and development of SGT.

Not only will revamping the existing electrical grid benefit the consumer, insofar as costs will be mediated through increased efficiency, the work needed to bring about such a system will require the employment of thousands of contractors. For the goal of smart grid technology to be actualized, however, emphasis must be placed on investing in science and technology and employing a workforce equipped for the demands of green technology.

Jason J. Campbell
© 2009

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